Yesterday we talked about the work Compassion does in Ghana. Also from the Fall 2006 issue of the Compassion magazine was a little article about the first child sponsored in Ghana, written by Daisy Byarugaba.
"Nine-year-old Emmanuel Kwasi Boateng Addei lives in a painfully cramped one-bedroom apartment with his parents, five siblings and his mother's niece. When Emmanuel was registered with Compassion and started attending the church-based project, his mother, Janet, says 'The church's intervention was a timely answer to prayer. Before, 'Ema' used to roam about the neighborhood on the weekend and it was hard to keep track of him, but now he learns many new things and he explains them to me every time he comes back from the church. I can tell his mind is opening and he is more keen to learn than play.'
"What does Emmanuel think of his sponsorship? 'I like going to church and to the project because they teach us memory verses,' he says, before proudly reciting John 3:16. 'I also like school and my teachers because they teach me new things. I really like math, drawing, and French,' he adds.
"The changes in Emmanuel's life are just the beginning. As is often the case, when a child's life begins to change, his family changes too. In fact, since Emmanuel's sponsorship, his father has given his life to the Lord."
I could not find a picture of Emmanuel online, but in the picture in my magazine, he is an adorable young man with a small smile on his face wearing a dinosaur shirt.
You can have the same life-changing impact on a child. Sponsor a child in Ghana today!
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