Help make a difference in the lives of children in need. Now is the time to sponsor a child.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Feature - Wesley and Erica

Each Friday I am going to feature a child (or a couple of children) from a specific country that need sponsors. Today, in honor of Brazil's Independence Day, I am featuring two children from Brazil that have been waiting 190 days for a sponsor.

This is Wesley:
Wesley is 6-years-old and lives on the plains of Esperantinópolis (SW of Fortaleza). Typical homes are made of cement floors, adobe walls, and tile roofs. Common health problems in this area include worms, viruses, dengue, anemia and malnutrition. Most adults in Esperantinópolis work as fisherman and earn the equivalent of $180 per month. This community needs improved education, health care and housing, drug abuse awareness programs, vocational training centers, scholastic materials, employment opportunities and child protection enforcement.

Wesley lives with his father and mother and is responsible for running errands.  His father is sometimes employed as a farmer and his mother maintains the home. There are 2 children in the family. He participates in Bible class and attends kindergarten. He enjoys playing with cars. Sponsorship would provide him with Bible teaching, health education, recreational activities and tutoring. The center staff will also provide parent meetings and family discussion groups for the parents or guardians of Wesley.
To learn more or to change this boy's story, click here!

This is Erica:
Erica is 10-years-old and lives on the plains of Parque Santo Amaro (S of Fortaleza). Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, brick walls and tile roofs. Common health problems in this area include fevers, skin diseases, respiratory illnesses and diarrhea. Most adults in Parque Santo Amaro work in domestic service and earn the equivalent of $204 per month. This community has electricity, schools and basic sanitation but needs preschools, employment opportunities and drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs.

Erica lives with her father and mother and is responsible for making beds and running errands.  Her father is employed as a laborer and her mother maintains the home. There are three children in the family. She regularly attends Vacation Bible School and choir and attends primary school. She enjoys walking and listening to music. Sponsorship allows the staff of Projeto Aliança com Cristo to provide Erica with Bible teaching, hygiene education, nutritious food, recreational activities, choir, field trips, tutoring, art and flute classes. The center staff will also provide lectures for the parents or guardians of Erica.
To learn more or to change this girl's story, click here!

If neither of these children speak to your heart, please go here and find one that does. There are thousands of children waiting for a loving sponsor. You could be that sponsor.

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